Vital Weekly (NL)
Keiichi Sugimoto is a busy man. He’s a member of Minamo, has a pop outfit under the banner of Filfa and works as Fourcolor. As such he delivers his second release for 12k, following Air Curtain (Vital Weekly 437) and Water Mirror on Apestaartje (see Vital Weekly 430). Sugimoto is a man who loves his guitar as well as loving his computer. The eight pieces captured here all display that love, but it moves away from the more ambient spacious nature of his previous work. The guitar is sampled into shorter frames, creating shorter blocks of rhythm and even adds a rhythm in Flyaway. Still spacious stuff, and still warm as campfire. A fine release? Yes, a fine release, but that is only in as much as to the actual music and the production. If you are looking for something new to happen in the field of microsound than I must say I am somewhat disappointed. Sugimoto may move away from his own previous sound, but it still stays firmly inside whatever else is known in this kind of music. That is a pity. Time to make new waves in this music.