FeltHat (DE)
Repetition as a method, an idiom derived from minimal music has gone through major changes and as it blended together with technology and individual thinking of artists who used it to set up their composition plans and conceive ideas.
This handsomely published album by Mr Deupree poses questions on many issues related to that. The first feel to it makes you think – it is a continuation of 2014 predecessor “Faint” and “Stil”.
Created this time with no-software approach Taylor made a tremendous effort to lay out his intellectual musings into the shape of something multi-dimensional and truly evocative piece of really hard work.
Creating loops “by hand” rather than using looping devices or vst’s he shows wizardry in emerging sounds amplified by small pocket speakers and using tape recorders to build up the atmosphere.
Irregularity together with the subtlety of the creation gives you the chance to experience something intimate yet human touch and feel to it grounds you in this experience.
Together with it comes the booklet of photos that he took -creative process caught in static resonance of visual form.