The debut release from Keiichi Sugimoto’s Fourcolor project. Originally released in 2004 on the now defunct Apestaartje label, Water Mirror is now available again digitally via 12k.

Album Credits

Composed by Keiichi Sugimoto
Re-mastered by Taylor Deupree @ 12k



Keiichi Sugimoto is an artist and composer from Japan and plays in several sound projects such as FilFla, FourColor, Minamo and Fonica.His compositions have been released from record labels throughout the world such as 12K (US), apestaartje (US), Tom Lab (Germany), and HEADZ (Japan). As FourColor, his album Water Mirror was chosen among the best electronica albums in the The Wire (UK). He has also toured extensively in Europe, Asia, Australia, the United States, and Canada. He has provided numerous…

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