In the summer of 2022 Taylor Deupree and Corey Fuller (Ohio) were given access to the vintage Arp-2500 synthesizer housed at the music studios of Western Washington University in Bellingham, Washington. 

Given an afternoon and evening to explore this vast synthesizer and they stumbled across a repeating motif that became the bed of an extended and meditative piece of analogue music.

Minimalist artist Agnes Martin (an alumni of WWU) was on their minds as the duo sculpted and overdubbed sounds from the Arp. The results of the evening session are presented here as Drift Of Summer.

The cassette debuted on November 13th, 2022 in Tokyo at a 12k anniversary event.

Album Credits

Ohio are Corey Fuller & Taylor Deupree

Created with an ARP-2500 courtesy of wweams, Western Washington University.
Thank you to Bruce Hamilton and Western Washington University for the opportunity and studio space.

Published by Hozomeen and 12k Music (ASCAP)



Ohio is a duo consisting of Taylor Deupree (New York) and Corey Fuller (Tokyo). Their debut album Upward, Broken, Always was released in 2019 and explored shared memories from their childhood upbringings in the state of Ohio.

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