Illuha convierte una vez más el sonido en poesía.
Reviews of Interstices [12k2028]
Back to Release“Interstices”, despite being comprised of live recordings, does not in any way come across as a sideline project for diehard fans and 12k completists only. Indeed, the quality of the music to be heard here is both pleasing and instructive.
It’s not only a beautiful piece but a remarkable illustration of Illuha’s ability to sustain a particular mood for twenty-seven entrancing minutes.
Az aprólékos vizsgálódásra tehát éppúgy jut idő, mint a háborítatlan zen nyugalom kialakítására.
Sospensioni oniriche per viaggi ultraterreni.
A deeply immersive aura.
Small noises begin to crack, escaping through the gaps that remain uncovered.
The three lengthy tracks here are delicate, fragile pieces that are perhaps mightier than they sound.
Den är inbjudande, mystisk, melankolisk och ljus på samma gång.
Tre suite dalla delicatezza e dal torpore accennato vanno a formare un autentico piccolo gioiello di delicatezza e grazia, ambientato in una natura incontaminata ma non per questo selvaggia o dissipata.
Zwischen diesen losen Maschen ist immer genug Zeit und Raum für behutsame Evolution.
The intimacy that had Illuha created on their debut two years ago, remains intact.
Un mondo ovattato in cui acustico ed elettronico si fondono in tappeti ammalianti e capaci di trasportare in universi indefiniti.
Un album elegiaco.
The deft touch of skilled improvisers.
Ellos crean como sus sonidos, como si fuera un espacio arquitectónico, una habitación vacía a la que van añadiendo elementos hasta decorarla por completo.
De chavirements de silence en scintillements organiques.
Among the interstices, the pride of art and the vulgarity of life are magically put in a state of suspension.
La beauté, qu’elle soit abstraite ou non, reste la beauté et Illuha l’incarne à sa manière…