The complexity of the underlying analogue production are somewhat forgotten, as the end result is deceptively simple- a pure-toned, faintly romantic, sleep-inducing (in a good way) fifty-one minutes of calm.
Reviews of Somi [12k1087]
Back to ReleaseThere’s a gentle, melancholy white noise bed track under much of the album that may remind you of those lovely Sparklehorse records that came out around the turn of the century. Audiophiles who find that sort of thing annoyingly lo-fi are missing the point entirely.
Like waking at dawn after the first big weekend of the summer – there is a warm romanticism to this release. Not fuzzy – just melancholic. A beautiful, beautiful release.
100% winter works.
Like much of the best ambient music, Somi hovers on the threshold between there and not-there, between implying a musical structure or making you hyper-aware of acoustic space.
Deupree manages to be highly sophisticated and technological in an inimitable way, yet not giving up the claim to sonic beauty and intimacy.
Irregularity together with the subtlety of the creation gives you the chance to experience something intimate yet human touch and feel to it grounds you in this experience.
Somi is undoubtedly a definite success, a new remarkable point of the beautiful career of Taylor Deupree.
Many authors are finding the taste of imperfection, delicate and evanescent suggestion, far from the visions of Decades ago.
Completely detached from rushing reality, trends and fashions.
The grace of the music remains over time.
Deupree manages to be highly abstract and technological, yet does not abandon the demand for sound beauty and intimacy.
The beauty of the compositions nests in the silences and resonance of the notes.
By leaving behind digital and its own limitations, Taylor Deupree has made an analogue record for today; heartfelt, warm, real.
“Somi” es un impeca-ble disco de ambient.
An album of delicate depth of field shifts.
Somi is hypnotic, comforting, and unsettling.
An album of atmosphere that works with almost nothing and which once again gives a great place to imagination and sensations.
A silent cadence of discrete tones and dozens of interlocking polyrhythms that create constantly crumbling interactions.
Beautiful imperfections open up mesmerizing vistas of timbral shifts and layers moving just out of phase.
The album might become a paradigm in the genre.
An amazing fresco of acoustic grace. shadowy and heated.