…He has finally reached back to this sort of seminal moment where he was at one with the world, simply inhabiting the moment.
Reviews of Below Sea Level [12k1071]
Back to ReleaseScott builds particularly striking soundscapes here.
Ein filigranes Zusammenspiel von Natur und Technik trifft hier zusammen.
A stand-out album of glowingly warm, densely textured excursions into landscape & memory.
A sort of osmosis between acousmatic pastorale and lively natural elements.
He has granted access to what for many will be a new locale and provided enlightenment about its dramatic history.
The album’s seven tracks form a seamless and coherent narrative of carefully sculpted motifs.
The sound of 1990s shoegaze dissembled into its most rudimentary components.
El talento se le intuía, en fin, pero todavía faltaba por llegar su gran disco, esa obra que confirmara definitivamente su posición entre los grandes del ambient. Y ese disco es Below sea level.
Scott’s devotion to this project results in a fantastic journey through the Fenlands of England.
Delicate tracks featuring fine interactions between instrument (mostly electric guitar) and digital treatments.
Ed è proprio questa coniugazione tra nostalgia rurale e contenuto umano a riempire di pathos “Below Sea Level”, elevandone il fascino e l’impronta emotiva ben al di sopra della media delle tante produzioni elettro-acustiche e ambientali.
Simon Scott has given us a great gift—finding music in nature.
Simon Scott réalise ici un chef d’oeuvre indispensable de musique exigeante. Une seule écoute au casque pour se faire piquer. Des centaines à venir pour y puiser d’innombrables trésors et détails cachés. Bien au delà d’une convenue recommandation.
De toute évidence, vous n’avez plus la moindre excuse pour passer à côté de ce chef-d’oeuvre.
Ambient mit verstecktem Stachel.
chitarre elettriche e galloni di silicio allo stato gassoso.
driften die Stücke schwerelos durch üppige Schichtungen von synthetischen und natürlichen Klängen, Verfremdungen, Ergänzungen.
In some cases, Scott seems to be playing for the present moment, merely coexisting with a complicated patch of nature. In its most satisfying moments, however, Below Sea Level sounds like a poignant farewell.
Warmen Klängen und unaufdringlichen Bewegungen.
Es un disco que suena como una gran burbuja, una burbuja fina que puede estallar en cualquier momento.
Below Sea Level is more than music, more than sound; it’s a quiet revolution.
Un peu plus longtemps, un peu plus loin, un peu plus profondément.
The sound of rushing coastline washed sand regions without relief, ossified in time.
Entre deux rives, entre île et continent, entre jour et nuit, la musique serpente frappée d’un dernier rayon de lumière ; transporte autant d’espoir que de mélancolie.
The dreamlike sequences are powerful, even in the absolute suspension of landscapes and the aesthetic perceptions they transmit.
È un ambient poco accademico e molto fluido che riporta alle fredde paludi del Cambridgeshire attraverso il calore dei ricordi.
This sense of the past threads through ‘Below Sea Level’ to remind of the qualities of Super 8 footage.