Very refined.
Reviews of Two Lakes [12k1062]
Back to ReleaseThe results are strikingly original – I can honestly say that I have never heard anything like this before.
There’s a real sense of solitude, and even… dampness permeating through the mix.
Two Lakes sounds like the work of four artists: Webb, Rösner, and each lake.
Capturing the immediate impulse: A super-real space playing itself.
The immersive production process adopted by the collaborators is a fascinating story unto itself.
Intelligence et subtilité à fleur d’eau, temps suspendu aux Nymphéas.
Should you be unfortunate enough to be holed up in the city all autumn then maybe this might be your first step towards reminding yourself of the beauty of nature.
Two Lakes is a slow, haunting and very human record that effortless blends together felt and emotional music with field recordings into one breathtaking whole.
Seaworthy a Matt Rösner se rozhodli detailně prozkoumat zvuky křehkého prostředí národního parku,…
Their playing is similarly circumspect, favoring discrete scouring sounds, rustic picking, and elongated ribbons of drone.
This is an album unlike any other, where an entire landscape becomes an instrument. In fact it becomes more than an instrument.
De natuur moet niet altijd bruisen en grommen, maar kan ook mooi en teder zijn. Stil. Zoals de tikkende regen tegen je raam wanneer de muziek uitgevallen is en rust wedergekeert op straat.
Dans l’ensemble, c’est une grande délicatesse qui émane ainsi de ces neuf compositions…
Mensch und Maschine bilden auch eine latente Dialektik vieler zeitgenössischer Audios auf 12k.
Wel bijzonder aangenaam om de donkere dagen mee door te komen.
Hier geht es auch nicht um die reine Dokumentation, sondern um das Erzeugen von Atmosphäre, Verbundenheit und Gefühlen.
Ces deux là ont laissé le temps à la nature de se livrer, de parler le langage des hommes, celui qui parle aux oreilles attentives
Une magnifique réussite, et le mariage parfait du créé et du naturel.