Along with Northern< one of the best releases in the vast output of this composer.
Reviews of Shoals [12k1060]
Back to ReleaseShoals is a slow burning feast of sound manipulation and proves once again that Taylor Deupree is an experimental music tour-de-force.
On first impressions, Shoals feels like a markedly more substantial piece of work than its predecessor, but then it’s also less immediately pretty….
Reflective and gorgeous.
This record takes its sweet time in coming across soulfully, especially heard on the stunning closer “Falls Touching Grasses.”
this is a perfect paradigm of engaging reiterative music
Amongst the warm haze of decaying sound, there is the sound of natural movement.
The meditative result is a thing of quiet beauty and slow dazzle that features a constantly mutating array of shimmering currents and speckled percussive detail.
Shoals is the warmest and most inviting-sounding recording of Deupree’s career.
Listening to “Shoals” is a remarkable trip.
Delicate new work from super-prolific 12k boss and microscopic sound auteur Taylor Deupree
One of Deupree’s best recordings to date.
Taylor Deupree è definitivamente entaro nelle magile del suono organico: dopo aver auitato a definire la grammatica del nuovo Evo digitale il musicista di New York ha abbandonato del tutto l’utilizzo dei sintetizzatori.
Though the minimalism and finely tuned details remain, the cool, technological sheen is gone, replaced by a shimmering warmth.
Überlagerungen und Überlappungen. Kongruenzen, Klanggebilde und Knäuel, unentwirrbare. Verdichtungen.
We are here furthest from the natural realm, orbiting some distant dark Star where bulbs of Deupree’s space drones and a worried, squelchy synth maintain tension right up until the enigmatic close.
Shoals is a record a-typically soft in his career: it’s cinematic and poetic
Shoals has an almost zen-like openness with its floating pads moving so slightly and sublime that it feels like listening to a far away short wave radio station
Une très belle pièce pour l’été.
Like a long immersion with decompression chambers before deep-sea diving, and after the trip i still feel like a stranger.
Un vero e proprio acquario surrealista fatto di leggi bioacustiche, che esigono attenzione e che scoprono l’ascolto verso un nuovo pianeta sonoro vivente.
Mitternachtmusik im besten Sinne
Nouvelle preuve qu’électronique et organique mêlés peuvent produire un ensemble touchant et éloquent.
His attention to these details comes through in the title track, wherein “mistakes” become achievements as inadvertent noises and sounds are cultivated and sprinkled with an appropriate balance of synthesizers.
What Deupree is suggesting here instead is a style informed by the ideal of universal harmony, of turning up the natural frequencies around us until a hidden world of music comes to the surface, of placing the listener inside the music rather than confronting him with it.
Es bleibt ein warmer Gesamteindruck, der jedoch stets einlädt – nie einlullt.
Remind[s] the listener of the human agency behind this disembodying journey.
Es a partir de esos “lamentos”, encerrados en loops que posteriormente se manipulan y desbrozan digitalmente, como Deupree compone (o mejor, organiza) sus piezas
Ändå är Shoals ett steg framåt. De akustiska ljuden verkar ha givit honom nytt självförtroende och nya idéer.
Donnant l’impression d’une lente immersion, d’un voyage aquatique
Rêveur et mystérieux mais jamais naïf
Les quatres morceaux de Shoals survole lentement les eaux matinales que l’américain a choisi de scruter délicatement.
Warm en sereen.
Un excellent album, qui prouve que Taylor Deupree est bel et bien parvenu à s’affranchir de toutes les frontières inhérentes à ce qu’on appelait jadis l’electronica.
This is natural music, unforced and created with a light touch.
Avec Shoals, Taylor Deupree propose un nouvel exercice d’équilibre musical, en plongeant divers instruments issus de la tradition musicale du gamelan dans de fascinants montages de boucles lascives et d’ambiances méditatives.
Dessen ureigene Herangehensweise, beseelte Konzeptualität und weitreichende Hörimagination bestechend bleibt.
Une aventure en soi.
Removing the rusty wood which, when scraped off the surface, show tunes aristocratically always astonished.
Un vero e proprio acquario surrealista fatto di leggi bioacustiche, che esigono attenzione e che scoprono l’ascolto verso un nuovo pianeta sonoro vivente.
Taylor Deupree se pomalu ubírá opa ným sm rem. Odvrhl syntezátory…
Ein Schritt zurück in die Natur, der nur durch den dezenten Einsatz von Elektronik und Computerprograrmmen möglich wurde.
Beautifully juggling sounds of polar opposite qualities – wood/metal, transient/stable, warm/cool, natural/fabricated
Todo ello, transformado en el ordenador personal hace de Shoals un disco que refleja un universo mental y fisco muy espiritual.
Hipnotize edici ve sakinleştirici.
The result is the most captivating, most elaborate, and Deupree’s most triumphant statement made to date.