We are somewhere between the free-form blues-folk soliloquies of Loren Connors and the esthetic purity of Oren Ambarchi circa Suspension.
Reviews of 1897 [12k1053]
Back to ReleaseSfruttando l’effetto di reverbero naturale e le dinamiche acustiche di risonanza interna del luogo, il chitarrista australiano combina impasto strumentale e suoni campionati dall’ambiente circostante.
the disc is a perfect sonic metaphor for an empty ammunitions bunker within a delicate ecosystem and nature preserve.
this is a well-conceived and thoughtful direction, and one clearly engaged here by a highly capable practitioner of the form.
Perpétuant leur approche partagée entre ambient et post-rock, les Australiens de Seaworthy nous proposent, plus de deux ans aprčs la ressortie de Map In Hand, un nouvel album sur 12k.
Webb is a player so possessed by his mood and surroundings that these slight, tuneful pieces can only be translated effectively by the heart
He has created an organic ghostly fantasia, a creaking, chiming chamber piece of rich, lulling melancholy.
If you like your music studied and minimalist then this will definitely interest you. A great soundtrack to an ambient musing.
It’s a haunting, harmonic and sadly soothing album that really mangers to get under ones skin over replays.
Bilder von der Weite des Meeres tauchen auf, sich wiegende Grashalme im Wind oder auch ein Spaziergang an einem klaren Wintermorgen ließe sich damit gut gestalten.
En los mejores momentos de 1897, su nuevo disco, este trío neozelandés construye paisajes de una belleza insondable y aislacionista
It is a profoundly poignant piece of work.
Gli ambienti desolati del bunker donano alla musica una veste sontuosa e quasi sacrale, carica di armonici incredibili.
Ideal for a parenthesis of quietness when one’s bothered by upsetting thoughts or after a sleepless night, this music does not ask for more than just existing and breathing in close proximity to listeners.
Die Stücke sind klar, intim, melancholisch, teilweise kühl und voller zirkulärer Geheimnisse. So ist das.
Being understated and self-effacing by design, Seaworthy’s sound can be easy to under-appreciate
It’s this cohesive approach to emotional engagement that saves 1897 from pretension and establishes the record as a gorgeous and rewarding listening experience.
A simple melodic motive acts as a guideline, dividing longer stretches of improvisation and drawing from Blues, classical composition, Jazz and Psychedelia alike.
1897 is another great installment in this lackadaisical trio’s pursuit of the urban pastoral.
Den Abschied bildet mit “Outside” dann nahezu ungestörtes Vogelgezwitsche.
Beautiful release.
This is never startling – that’s not the point with 12k releases. It does, however, manage to evoke a combined state of tranquility and intense concentration.