Every time SPEC. threatens to become precious and repetitive, Chartier and Deupree make some microscopic adjustment to the groove that leaves you respecting their ability to make infinitesimal variations in a music that “moves” so little.
Reviews of Spec. [12k1007]
Back to ReleaseSomewhat like ear-peering through a special audio-microscope to hear the daily lives of digital electrons at work and at play.
Spontanee microcombustioni, movenze spastiche, increspature molecolari che combiano in modo esemplare il puntillismo ritmico di deupree e la pacate modulazioni vetrose ripiche di chartier.
A fascinating assemblage of skeletal beats.
Silence is also played beautifully here, becoming an anxiety-producing pause between what sounds like a roulette wheel spinning again and again.
Carefully explored fridge drones, whines, clicks, fax noises and a kind of tinnitus techno, turn a potentially neutral listening experience into something more characterful and inventive.
…those interested in the particulate sound of Ryoji Ikeda or last year’s 20′ – 2000 series will enjoy SPEC., which is as much a testament to the absence of sound itself, alternatingly quiet and ear-shreddingly intense…